
Tuesday, January 1, 2002

About Us

Bangalore ASCENDers is a group of outdoor buffs and nature lovers, freaking out  conquering peaks, traversing valleys, crossing crystal clear streams, drenching in rains and camping under bright stars. We engage our weekend’s in trekking, fun outings with special kids, adventure sports, cycling, biking, rock climbing, countryside travelling, wildlife photography and being part of eco-conservation drives and other social initiatives.
We are delighted to inform that this is a non-profit group and is solely carried by the efforts of the organizing team and the volunteers. Expenses are shared amongst the participants leaving no room for profit making. This group is formed with the sole purpose to ignite passion of trekking and adventure among the nature lovers. All those nature lovers been away from the Mother Nature come, join us and together we will explore the unexplored.

The membership is absolutely free!!!
Highlights: - Non-profit group in true sense, were all costs of the event are shared equally among all the participants and the expense details  are shared. - Exclusively managed by volunteers. - Socially responsive group, we do get involved and support social causes and needy people.
- A single platform to get indulged in adventure, social and conservation activities.
- Scope for volunteering and leadership building qualities.
- Maintains its own website were hoards of trekking and related information is readily available. 




Jinu John

Jinu John









Suresh Babu

Suresh Babu



BASC Blood Donors Registry

Blood Donors Save Lives:Healthy donors are needed every day to ensure blood and blood components are available for the patients who need them. Children and adults undergoing surgery, victims of trauma, newborn infants, persons  with cancer and leukemia, transplant recipients – these are just a few of the patients who may need blood or blood components to survive. These patients depend on healthy blood donors every day to provide life-giving blood and blood components. Donate blood and save lives.

"96% of us rely on the other 4% to give blood. Please don't leave it up to someone else" - National Blood Service.

Every 3 seconds someone needs blood, yet less than 5% of the eligible population donates blood which isn’t enough. Also not all the blood received is utilized to the fullest, below are the four major reasons for this;

1. Huge collection of blood during donation drives which happen at significant dates like national holidays, birthdays of important people, anniversaries of an organization, etc. Blood has shelf-life and the extra (more than required) blood collected goes down the drain. This also makes a sizeable chunk of eligible and interested donors unfit to donate for the next 3 months.

2. Few blood banks provide blood as whole instead of components. Blood must be separated into red blood cells, platelet concentrate and plasma, each of which can be given to three different patients and therefore one unit of blood when separated into components can save 3 lives.

3. Some hospitals have in-house blood banks and the donations done here do not reach general public as many such blood banks limit their service only to in-house patients.

4. Low participation of negative group donors.

This means “just donation” does not end our responsibility.

WHEN, HOW and to WHO matters the most. Keeping the above things in mind and to do sensible donations in a systematic way we have created “BASC Blood Donors Registry”. Register below we will reach you when any emergency requests reaches us or when we schedule a donation camp.