
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Joy of Giving 2

     Its June and SCHOOLs have reopened. To support poor-rural-students, Bangalore ASCENDers [BASC] gave note-books and uniform cloth to them. This was the part of BASC’s social responsibility and for this BASC FUND was utilized. We have picked, 'Government Primary & Higher Primary school' Muddenahalli near Chikballapur. Reason being Muddenahalli is the birth place of the great great engineer Sir M Vishweshwaraiah

2012-06-09 10.27.35
Total numbers of children from class 1 to 7, were100. We gave four 200 pages note-books and a uniform cloth to each student. This event is a part of BASC's Social Activity, so expenses are from BASC Fund.
Books (per book 12.5 x 400)  = Rs. 5000
Uniform cloth (per piece 62 x 100)  =  Rs. 6200
Total expenses = Rs. 11200
photo 4  2012-06-09 10.26.52

     Special thanks to school Head-madam, Teachers and children for their kind co-operation and support. Finally thanks for all the BASC members who have contributed to the BASC Fund. Along with Ambareesh Rajesh and Karthik participated in the event thanks to their presence and support.
2012-06-09 10.21.06

Visit our Group @ CLICK HERE
Compiled by: Mudassar
Event organized by: Ambareesh 
Image Galleries:Ambareesh


  1. Hey Ambareesh and Rajesh
    I am glad to have opened BASC page now and see photos of both of you in this social event. Indeed great job!
    Would certainly love to join you for any such further event and enjoy being back to school!!!

  2. Nice to see this activity. All the best for future. Hope to be with you on some such event soon, Ambareesh and Rajesh.

